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Inclusive Engagement: Making sure your hear every voice


Building a tenant & staff profile for your work on equality, diversity and inclusion

 Significant gaps exist in the diversity data of housing association workforces in terms of compare how representative your organisation is of the community you work within.  We provide you with an EDI survey & comparison capability to build both your tenant & workforce EDI profiles, based on the model developed by the National Housing Federation.  This enables you to capture & compare your whole workforce to the local community where your organisation has homes, and also to break it down further showing the representation of just board members, executive teams or staff.


 What Is Inclusive Engagement?

Inclusive engagement, takes your EDI strategy one step further.  It recognises that customers have diverse needs & that various barriers to engagement exist which prevent their voices from being heard and stop them from having equitable access to Landlord Services.  By measuring engagement & assessing which groups are under represented, outreach campaigns can be launched to level-up inclusivity & diversity, making sure that the voices you hear relate to the whole community, not just a select few. 

Inclusive Engagement recognises that engagement affects all aspects of the Tenant journey.  When done well, it builds a relationship, trust and positively impacts a tenants perception of their Social Landlord.  When done badly, or not at-all, it has the opposite effect. 


Our platform provides a strategic framework for measuring your current engagement progress and establishing strategies to improve tenant participation in terms of inclusivity, engagement rates & depth of engagement.  This is measured, providing an audit trail, enabling you to both prove compliance & drive measurable improvement.    

Fairness & Respect 


As an organisation, we feel very strongly that engagement should be based on fairness & respect  & that the weakest in society should have an equal voice.  Our solution is multi-lingual & actively supports the implementation of your EDI strategy through segmented messaging. Recognising that a one-size-fits-all comms strategy risks leaving certain individuals behind and fails to address the specific requirements of minorities & engaging with the most vulnerable, personalisation is at the core of our solution. 

Inclusive Engagement- Breaking Down Barriers

By identifying under represented groups,  engagement strategies & outreach campaigns can be formulated to improve  inclusivity & support your EDI strategy.  We provide you with the insights & the tools that you need to engage with minorities and hard to reach segments to deliver measurable improvements in implementing your EDI strategy.      

Understanding who lives behind the doors: The tenant profile

Possibly the biggest barrier to engagement is the lack of personalisation.  "One size fits all"  engagement doesn't work as it does not take into account the diverse needs & interests of your customers.  By collecting data & understanding the needs of your customers, engagement can be tailored  & personalised, resulting in greater overall engagement.  


Reaching difficult to engagement segments, such as the under 25's, requires different strategies, messaging & content to the over 50's.  Our Personalisation capabilities allow you to tailor your comms & messaging to be more relevant, so that they resonate with your different tenant groups.  The result  is more overall engagement, with a more diverse range of tenants, leading to increase participation & better service delivery.  

Comply with the Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard

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The consumer standards require landlords to both prove & evidence compliance: the production of a policy relating to engagement & scrutiny will no longer suffice, neither will a tick-box approach.  Our solution helps you to increase participation & influence, co-design better services & communicate better with your customers.   All driven by a detailed audit trail, to support you  in the event of an inspection.  

Helping You To Help More of Your Tenants

Sometimes the tenants most in need are  the ones least likely to ask for help.  By using engagement history, supported by Machine Learning, e help you identify those silent voices that need in-person outreach and focus your tenancy visits on those most in need.        

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